Exploring "Undecided", part 1

I've just started reading this book, published this year, written specifically to women my age. She calls women between the ages of 18 and 34 "quarterlifers". In fact the authors say that most of us are in a quarterlife crisis, confused at the number of options that are before us. The women who came before us who opened up so many different employment opportunities for us are certainly wonderful, but the number of options are now choking us because we don't know which way to go and we don't know if one choice is better than another.

She also brings up another fact, data reported from the US Department of Labor, that college educated women between the ages of 25 and 34 years of age stay at a job no more than 2.6 years. Well, that sums me up.

I've taken so many personality assessments, job skills tests, etc. Each say the same; some conflict with each other; but none really define what I want to do. I think I've found my passion, but there are simply no jobs that fit, and so I take the next best thing -- something that will offer almost enough money to live on that will offer me just enough satisfaction until the next best thing comes along. I understand now that this isn't too far from abnormal, but I need to break the cycle.

My hope is finishing this book will walk me on a path where I'm less confused, unsatisfied with accepting whatever is out there, and find that one job where I am happy and won't be bored and frustrated within the 2.6 years. After all, this year I will be 34, and it's time that I find a job where I can last at least 3 years.

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