Journal Prompts and Goals

It seems like every day, I get some inspiration or some questions to ponder. This morning, I was asked (well all of these tweeter's followers were asked) where do you see yourself in 1 year? I was thinking, usually job interviewers will ask you where do you see yourself in 5 years or even 10 years, but how often do you think of where you'll be in 1 year?

These last two years have been tumultuous at best. Dealing with health issues and some emotional issues, and of course jobless issues can either break you down or inspire you and build you up. I admit there were a lot of times where I chose to be broken. It was certainly easier than seeing life as a challenge or opportunity. But now, I choose to be inspired and built up.

I've removed some tremendous stresses from my life and now I'm looking forward. My dissertation, for one, is finally a priority instead of a last thought. My passions have become more passionate, if that's possible. I've realized that what I love can be more than a hobby. So, when I look forward, I can see success.

In the next twelve months, I will seek to build upon my ability to promote and research. I will be in the second half of my dissertation study, so I will seek to understand to a greater depth how adolescents learn. I will also seek how to best integrate educational research and music promotion. And finally, I will seek success in event planning so I can assist artists who aren't local and who haven't yet performed in the Seattle area to show their stuff in the Puget Sound.

Having set these goals, in October 2011, which coincidentally is my birthday month, I see myself having planned at least 3 shows for out-of-state artists, having written 100 articles about local Puget Sound artists, having successfully created and maintained a Q&A column about financial aid, and having sought a better understanding of music genres.

As I said, I will choose to move forward being inspired by those I've chosen as role models and being motivated by my closest friends, both IRL and those I have yet to meet.

So what do you think? Have you looked forward, just 12 months, and thought about where you'd be? There's definitely nothing wrong with short-term goals; they can develop into long-term goals if you're truly serious about them!