Do What You Love, and You'll Never Have to Work

"Do what you love, and you'll never have to work!" A clichéd phrase for sure, but also a lyric from one of my favorite artists and prolific fundraisers, Danny Wood.

I would have never considered music for a career. When I was younger, I had this dream of being a back up singer for a famous musician, but that dream died when reality hit that I needed a "real job". In the last two years, however, I've realized how unique my education is for a link to music. I have always loved research. For the most part, that love of research has been linked to education, as I've always been intrigued by how students learn and how students can learn better. Now, though, through relationships with radio stations, internet promoters, music labels, music producers, and artists themselves, I have rediscovered a passion with music that I feel will last for a very long time. Friends, as well, have seen the work I have done thus far and have encouraged me to continue. And, what's more, I have seen first hand how promotion can bring a smile to an artist's face and inspiration to continue his artistry.

It may sound strange to combine a career of educational research with music promotion, but research in itself can be used for a number of things. Why not music? Why not help an artist find the perfect avenue for his music, a new source of fans, and exposure for some great lyrics?

I admit right now, I'm overwhelmed. Perhaps I jumped in with both eyes closed. But I am confident, as I continue, I will be successful with my own unique music promotion, and I hope the artists I have met will find that I love assisting them acquire excellence.
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