Spreading the Music with Facebook, Twitter, and More!
My goal of 30 blogs in 30 days for Music In Our Schools Month failed, ...
My goal of 30 blogs in 30 days for Music In Our Schools Month failed, ...
I've just added myself to Blog Lovin, so you can follow me there as well. Check out other areas of interest and follow their blogs as well! Follow my blog with Bloglov ...
I'm not sure if this commercial is universal, but I often hear on the radio ...
Black Stax is a band I've blogged about quite a bit. You just need to do a quick ...
About six months ago, I was searching for instrumental versions of pop/rock music ...
One component of National Association for Music Educators' Music in Our Schools ...
I know my goal is to speak about music education in early childhood programs; however, ...
You might know VH1 as MTV's little sister. Of course, MTV once known to be the ...
When I think about my passion for music and neuroscience, I realize I owe that ...
Homeschooling families, are you busy with lesson plans for a child between the ...
If you’ve read my first blog of 2015 or my about page, you know that music cognition ...
In one of my previous blogs, I mentioned learning styles. This is one of the ...
In the field of music cognition as related to early education, there are no competing ...
I was not aware, but there are a significant amount of students who are not able to read by the time they reach third grade, or rather there are a significant number who can’t read ...
During one of my first classes in my master’s program in educational psychology, I interviewed one of the directors of University of Washington’s Institute of Language and Brain Sciences ...
Music cognition might be a new phrase for you. It was for me. I was working toward my PhD in educational psychology while working for an online radio station. I knew I liked psychology, ...
I'm not exactly sure when I subscribed to Quora, but this week's Q&A was ...
So, which will it be? California or Illinois? I have always loved Chicago. In 2006 and 2007, I traveled there four times – twice for work and twice for school. It is an absolutely ...
It's been so long since I've written anything - wow, 9 months even!! - so this ...
Deborah W Halàsz, MS has been an inquisitive thinker since she was a preteen, with a background in psychology, Spanish, and communication. A self-described perpetual learner, she embraced research as a means to combine her renewed love of music and a long ago discovered passion for psychology and education.
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